Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar (The Map of Salt and Stars) said: "I am a woman and a warrior. If you think I can't be both, you've been lied to."
Lending credence to her words are the 57 stories here about the infinite faces of womanhood. The tales primarily were selected from among the 438
stories found in Books 1 through 6, incl., of the authors' Creative Ink, Flashy Fiction anthologies. Included, as well, are selected offerings
from Cohen's two short-story anthologies, The Road Less Taken, as well as stories from Cohen's Mementos series of anthologies. Most of the stories
in the instant volume are 250 words or fewer in length. They are best compared to a handful of peanuts or M&M's. Which is to say, they're tiny,
bite-sized morsels that won’t let you stop with one! The longer tales were added for those who seek something more substantial with which to curl
up on a long winter night or better, on a beach in the hot summer sun.
"Theodore Jerome Cohen presents 57 women-themed short stories in Flash Fiction Stories with a Feminine Twist, exposing unique things about every woman in the book: strength, beauty, limitations, regrets, hopes, adventures, secrets, addictions, and more. Most of the stories are 250 words or less. Some of the stories depict relationships affected by war, while others focus on the dark subject of suicide. A number of the stories are actually based on real characters, as indicated in the "Endnotes" section by the author. From the cigarette-loving elderly woman and the lady who caught her man looking at another woman to the female wrestler who keeps the identity of her son's father a secret to hold on to her independence, each story brings a fresh and lasting sensation.
"If you love to meet people and would like to immerse yourself in their unique personalities and experiences through a book, you should definitely read Flash Fiction Stories with a Feminine Twist. Each vivid and colorful story felt like a photograph or a short video, and every page made me eager for more. The beautiful pictures at the beginning of each story ensured a more memorable and pleasing experience. It's hard to choose a favorite, but I so loved David and Claudia because they made me realize the value of appreciating the 'little things' in life. As short as many of the stories are, they pack an amazing level of surprise at the endings. I didn't know I could enjoy stories as short as 250 words, but Theodore Jerome Cohen has certainly changed my mind. I want more!"